- Household Informal Economy activities in candidate countries. Size, determinants and implications for the enlargement- empirical evidence from Romania and Bulgaria, PHARE-ACE Research Programme, Paris, Essex, Sofia, Bucharest, 2000-2002; Gerard Duchene - R.O.S.E.S., Paris, France, Byung Yeon Kim - Essex University, UK, Mariana Kotzeva - Sofia, Bulgaria, Lucian Liviu Albu - IEF, Bucharest;

- Mechanisms of long-term growth in the economies in transition (Cases of Russia and Romania), within the programme “Improvement of Economic Policy Through Think Tanks Partnership Program” (Phase I: 2002 and Phase II: January 2003-July 2004), partners DRI-WEFA - Washington, CMASF - Moscow, IEF - Bucharest, Klein Lawrence (Global Insight), Belousov Andrei (coordinator from CMASF-Moscow), Albu Lucian-Liviu (coordinator from IEF-Bucharest), Roudoi Andrei (coordinator from Global Insight-Washington D.C.);

-Tax evasion, underground economy and fiscal policies in candidate countries, within the programme GDN-Global Development Network, partners CERGE-EI Prague, World Bank-Washington, WIIW-Vienna, January 2003-July 2004, Albu Lucian-Liviu (coordinator), Iancu Aurel, Ivan-Ungureanu Clementina, Chilian Mihaela-Nona, Nicolae Mariana, Uzlau Carmen, Kim Byung Yeong (UE expert),

-            Adapted models to estimate potential GDP in the candidate countries, within the programme GDN-Global Development Network, partners CERGE-EI Prague, World Bank-Washington, WIIW-Vienna, January-2004-June 2005, Stănică Cristian (coordinator), Albu Lucian-Liviu, Altăr Moisă, Scutaru Cornelia, Nicolae Mariana

-            Scientific Cooperation Program between the Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Romanian Academy and Le Laboratoire “Economie et de Gestion (UMR CNRS 5118) of the L’Universite de Bourgogne (July 2003) ; Prof. Ph.D. Jean-Claude Portier - Prof. Ph.D. Lucian Liviu ALBU, Ph.D. Marioara Iordan

-           Scientific Cooperation Program between the Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Romanian Academy and The School of Business, Siena College, USA (June 2005) ; Ph.D. James R. Nolan, Prof. Ph.D. Lucian Liviu Albu.


 Scientific Meetings with International Participation

 - March 2002, Bucharest: International Workshop on Household Informal Economy activities in candidate countries. Size, determinants and implications for the enlargement- empirical evidence from Romania and Bulgaria, PHARE-ACE Research Programme, Paris, Essex, Sofia, Bucharest, 2000-2002.

- October 2003, Bucharest: International Workshop on Mechanisms of long-term growth in the economies in transition (Cases of Russia and Romania), within the programme  Improvement of Economic Policy through Think Tanks Partnership Program, partners DRI-WEFA - Washington, CMASF - Moscow, IEF - Bucharest, January 2003-July 2004,

- June 2004, Bucharest : Scentific session with international participation The Forecasting Model Threshold 21, presented by Ph.D. John D. Shilling, Millennium Institute, USA

- November 2004, Bucharest: Co-organizer of the conference with international participation on “Aplicaţii ale unui model de tip gravitaţional pentru estimarea potenţialului de export al ţărilor din Estul şi Centrul Europei Applications of a Gravity Model to Estimate the Export Potential of the Central and East European Countries ” (Dr. Francesco Pastore, University of Naples II), Romanian Academy, NIES, IEF

- December 2004, Bucharest: International Seminar on Good research practice and conduct, within the programme Adapted models to estimate potential GDP in the candidate countries, within the programme GDN-Global Development Network, partners CERGE-EI Prague, World Bank-Washington, WIIW-Vienna, January-2004-June 2005