- Household
Informal Economy activities in candidate countries. Size, determinants and
implications for the enlargement- empirical evidence from Romania and Bulgaria,
PHARE-ACE Research Programme, Paris, Essex, Sofia, Bucharest, 2000-2002; Gerard Duchene - R.O.S.E.S., Paris, France, Byung
Yeon Kim - Essex University, UK, Mariana Kotzeva - Sofia, Bulgaria, Lucian
Liviu Albu - IEF, Bucharest;
Mechanisms of long-term growth in the
economies in transition (Cases of
Russia and Romania),
within the programme “Improvement of Economic Policy Through Think Tanks
Partnership Program” (Phase I: 2002 and Phase II: January 2003-July 2004),
partners DRI-WEFA - Washington, CMASF - Moscow, IEF - Bucharest, Klein
Lawrence (Global Insight),
Belousov Andrei (coordinator
from CMASF-Moscow), Albu
Lucian-Liviu (coordinator from IEF-Bucharest), Roudoi Andrei (coordinator
from Global Insight-Washington D.C.);
-Tax evasion, underground economy and fiscal policies in candidate
countries, within
the programme GDN-Global Development Network, partners CERGE-EI Prague, World
Bank-Washington, WIIW-Vienna, January 2003-July 2004, Albu
Lucian-Liviu (coordinator),
Iancu Aurel, Ivan-Ungureanu
Clementina, Chilian
Mihaela-Nona, Nicolae
Mariana, Uzlau Carmen, Kim Byung Yeong (UE expert),
models to estimate potential GDP in the candidate countries,
within the programme GDN-Global Development Network, partners CERGE-EI Prague,
World Bank-Washington, WIIW-Vienna, January-2004-June 2005, Stănică
Cristian (coordinator), Albu Lucian-Liviu, Altăr Moisă, Scutaru Cornelia, Nicolae Mariana
Scientific Cooperation Program between the Institute
of Economic Forecasting of the Romanian Academy and
Le Laboratoire “Economie et de Gestion (UMR CNRS 5118) of the L’Universite
de Bourgogne (July 2003)
Cooperation Program between the Institute of Economic Forecasting of the
Romanian Academy and The School of Business, Siena College, USA (June 2005)
Meetings with International Participation
March 2002,
Bucharest: International Workshop on Household Informal Economy activities in candidate
countries. Size, determinants and implications for the enlargement- empirical
evidence from Romania and Bulgaria,
PHARE-ACE Research Programme, Paris, Essex, Sofia,
Bucharest, 2000-2002.
October 2003, Bucharest: International Workshop on Mechanisms
of long-term growth in the economies in transition (Cases of Russia and Romania),
within the programme Improvement
of Economic Policy through Think Tanks Partnership Program, partners
DRI-WEFA - Washington, CMASF - Moscow, IEF - Bucharest, January 2003-July
- June 2004, Bucharest : Scentific session with
international participation The Forecasting Model Threshold 21, presented
by Ph.D. John D. Shilling, Millennium Institute, USA
- November 2004, Bucharest: Co-organizer of the conference with
international participation on “Aplicaţii ale unui model de tip
gravitaţional pentru estimarea potenţialului de export al ţărilor
din Estul şi Centrul Europei Applications of a Gravity Model to Estimate
the Export Potential of the Central and East European Countries ” (Dr.
Francesco Pastore, University of Naples II), Romanian Academy, NIES, IEF
- December 2004, Bucharest: International Seminar on Good research
practice and conduct, within the programme Adapted models to estimate potential GDP in the
candidate countries,
within the programme GDN-Global Development Network, partners CERGE-EI Prague,
World Bank-Washington, WIIW-Vienna, January-2004-June 2005