Main achievements

Among the particular achievements of the IEF we can include:

The development of comprehensive macroeconomic models for the Romanian economy, in the light of the future European Union integration. At present, the four different macroeconomic models implemented in our Institute are the only functional models calibrated for the actual Romanian data and used for analysis and forecast activities (the Dobrescu Macromodel for the Romanian transition economy; the RMSM - WB Model; the IEF Forecast - base for the scenarios within the Government Strategy for European Integration and Sustainable Growth; the Non-Linear Macroeconomic Model).

Sector and specific studies on aspects of industrial development, reform and restructuring jointly developed with the CEE and EU partners or together with other domestic institutions. Examples of such projects are: the National Program for Accession to the European Union (PHARE Program - jointly with Adam Smith Institute London and the Romanian Ministry of Finance); Competitiveness evaluation and industrial policies for reform (Ministry of Industry and Trade, project with Vienna Institute of International Economic Studies, a pilot study intended to be expanded in all other CEE countries).

Impact studies such as labor market analysis, trade and FDI structural evolution, fiscal and monetary policies. Examples of projects include: Labor market policy and sector employment reallocation - A comparative study for transitional economies, jointly implemented with the LSE (London School of Economics, United Kingdom); The impact of indirect taxation on the demand of gasoline in Romania, jointly with the Ministry of Finance and the Adam Smith Institute; Sustainability of public debt and deficits - World Bank Program and CEROPE, etc.

A leading dimension of our work is oriented towards the development of co-operation with regional (Central- and East-European), European and world organizations and other institutions. From the very beginning, we have established research contacts with academic and research institutions from the UK (LSE, LBS, Heriot-Watt University, Essex University, Leicester University, Imperial College, University of London), France (CEPREMAP, ROSES - University of Paris-I, GRATICE - University of Paris-XII), Austria (Institute for Advanced Studies Vienna, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies), Belgium (Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Catholic University of Leuven), Germany (University of Gottingen), the Netherlands (Free University of Amsterdam), Poland (University of Warsaw, University of Gdansk), Hungary (Central European University, Economic University of Budapest, Institute for World Economy Budapest), Czech Republic (CERGE- Charles University), Bulgaria (Institute of Economics, Economic University Sofia), Slovenia (University of Ljubljana, Macroeconomic Institute), Israel (Hebrew University of Jerusalem and CINADCO), Canada (University of Toronto, Institute for Policy Analysis), USA (Harvard University, Stanford University, University of Michigan, University of Pennsylvania- WEFA Group), etc.

The main research programs and themes in 2001 were:

Evaluation of the state of the national economy - ESEN 2 (priority program of the Romanian Academy)

  1. Modeling the sustainability of public debt with the view to accession to the European Union

  2. Shaping the industrial profile of the regions with the perspective of accession to the European Union

  3. Evolutions of the inflation-unemployment ratio with the view to accession to the European Union

  4. Comparative study of inflation in Romanian and the European Union countries

  5. Inflationary circuits: wages and the exchange rate. An econometric model

  6. Economic signals of the political behavior in Romania and the European Union

  7. Impact of the European integration process upon the regional development in Romania - the case of the special development areas

Informational society and the new economy (priority program of the Romanian Academy)

  1. Possible concept and methodological adjustments in economics in the context of expanding the informational-knowledge society

Modeling the national economy (priority program of National Institute of Economic Research - NIES)

  1. Forecasting alternatives: evolution of the Romanian economy; monetary base and inflation dynamics

  2. Clusters. Economic applications (a case study)

  3. Macromodel of the Romanian Economy. The Data Base

Economic policies - scenarios, analyses and forecasts (priority program of NIES)

  1. Modeling public debt sustainability with the view to accession to the European Union (developments specific to the national economy's ensemble and the foundation of the macroeconomic policies)

  2. Theory of consumption and households behavior models

  3. Documentary study: Competitiveness of some industrial sectors - benchmarks for development strategies

Regional development (priority program of NIES)

  1. Shaping the industrial profile of the regions with the view to accession to the European Union (developments specific to the national economy's ensemble and the foundation of the regional development policies).

During 2002 will be carried on the following programs and studies:

A. Research programs and papers for 2002

Evaluation of the state of the national economy - ESEN 2 (priority program of the Romanian Academy)

  1. Analysis of the inter- and within-regions disparities in Romanian in the pre-accession period; evaluation of tendencies

Modeling the national economy (priority program of NIES)

  1. Potential GDP and short-term forecast of the real and nominal GDP

  2. Relative prices and inflation - the case of Romania

  3. Clusterization phenomena in the economic and social areas

  4. Forecasting alternatives: evolution of the Romanian economy

  5. Macromodel of the Romanian economy. The Data Base

Transition to the market economy (priority program of NIES)

  1. Structural adjustments in the consumer goods' and services' demand

Economy and culture (priority program of NIES)

  1. Contributions to the economic foundation of the hypothesis "Cultural matrix" of N. Georgescu-Roegen

B. Projects under way