Is part of "ISI - Thompson Scientific Master Journal
with Vol.8 Issue 1 2007 this publication is indexed and abstracted in
the following:
Social Sciences Citation Index
Social Scisearch
Journal Citation Reports/ Social Sciences Edition
Beginning with 2000, our Institute has its own publication, "Romanian Journal for Economic Forecasting", edited in English.
The IEF publishes monthly on the Internet, on the site of Internet Securities Romania, part of Euromoney Institutional Investor Company ( Macroeconomic analyses and forecasts, Economic Performance Evolution in Transitional Systems, The Barometer of the Romanian Economy, all comprising studies, analyses and forecasts of the Romanian economy.
The papers of our Institute are published in "Studii si cercetari economice" (yearly), "Observer" (in English) and "Probleme economice" (weekly), edited by the Center of Economic Information and Documentation belonging to the National Institute for Economic Research, Editor-in-chief: Ph.D. Valeriu Ioan-Franc.