by Iordan, Mioara; Pelinescu,
Elena; Florescu, Ionel; Ionescu, Mihaela; Andrei, Dalina; Chilian, Nona; Scutaru, Cornelia;
Stanica, Cristian
Published in Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, 2004, volume 5 issue 2,
The Barometer intends to present on a monthly and quarterly the evolution of the Romanian economy, its state and trends, by the means of the main macroeconomic indicators and aggregates and brief economic analyses: GDP developments, industrial production, foreign trade, inflation, monetary evolutions, unemployment, exchange rate, domestic trade, services, households’ savings, wages, state budget.
Keywords: economic
barometer, national economy, macroeconomic indicators and aggregates, economic
JEL Classification: Y1, C82