Measuring the Socio-Economic Bipolarization
Stefanescu, Stefan
Published in Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, 2008, volume 9
issue 1, 149-161
The present paper emphasizes the differences between the Gini concentration
coefficient [13] and a new bipolarization index proposed by [20], [21]. In
practice, the Gini index is applied frequently to determine the poverty degree
of the persons of a given population P. Although the pauperization and the
polarization social phenomena are often very strong related, we shall prove that
the bipolarization level of the individuals of P cannot be always accurately
estimated by applying the classical Gini measure. Therefore, for evaluating the
intensity of a polarization event is not adequate to use the Gini-type
coefficients based on the Lorenz order.
Gini coefficient, bipolarization index, Lorenz order, antithetic variables,
bounded exponential distributions
JEL Classification:
C43, C46, C51, C52