Indexes of Regional Economic Growth in Post-Accession Romania

by Miron, Dumitru; Dima, Alina Mihaela and Vasilache, Simona
Published in Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting
, 2009, volume 11 issue 3, 138-152

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The European Cohesion Policy is designed to yield concrete results, furthering economic and social cohesion and reducing gaps between development levels in the various regions. Considering the context of the early post-accession period, posing significant challenges to regional development in Romania, we have investigated, based on three indexes that we advance in the methodological section, the pace of development, comparatively, in the eight development regions of Romania. The results of the study, further presented, can serve as a basis for more detailed empirical investigation of the phenomena theoretically approached in this paper.

Keywords: cohesion, regional development, integration, intellectual capital
JEL Classification:
R58, C1