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The Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting (RJEF) is an official publication of the Institute of Economic Forecasting (IPE). Published quarterly, its objective is to explore the field of forecasting and to bridge the gap between theory and practice, making forecasting useful and relevant for decision and policy makers.

Online Access

The electronic format is "Journal for Economic Forecasting" registered as part of IDEAS , which uses RePEc data, the largest bibliographic database dedicated to Economics and available freely on the Internet .
Everyone can access journal articles online.
Beginning with Vol.8 Issue 1 2007  this publication is indexed and abstracted in the following:
    Social Sciences Citation Index
    Social Scisearch
    Journal Citation Reports/ Social Sciences Edition

Aims and Scope

Conceived as a macroeconomic forecasting journal, Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting publishes high quality refereed studies on macroeconomic modeling, analyses and forecasts.

The journal has applications in macroeconomic policies, government and business; moreover it has an inter-disciplinary content; authors include researchers in academic institutes, universities, and international and national institutions, ministries, banks.

Topics Covered in the RJEF

non-linear macroeconomics
applications in macroeconomic policies, government and business
economics and econometrics 
time series analyses and forecasting
genetic algorithms, neural networks